California Laws on Sex Trafficking in Commercial Establishments
Sex trafficking, considered to be a form of modern-day slavery is a heinous crime that exploits individuals through force, fraud, or coercion for sexual exploitation. It is a grave issue plaguing societies worldwide. California, with its vast population, diverse communities, and bustling commercial establishments, stands as a crucial battleground in the fight against this pervasive crime.
Sex trafficking and other forms of trafficking involve the recruitment, transportation, harboring, or receipt of people for the purpose of forced sexual exploitation. Victims, often vulnerable individuals, including women, children, and men, are subjected to unimaginable suffering, stripped of their personal liberty, and trapped in a vicious cycle of abuse with a threat of injury.
California’s role in combating sex trafficking cannot be understated. As one of the largest states in the United States, it serves as a gateway for international and domestic trafficking networks. Its major cities, transportation hubs, and entertainment industry attract both victims and perpetrators. Moreover, the state’s diverse population and vast socioeconomic disparities create conditions ripe for exploitation.
In this blog, we will discuss:
- Sex trafficking in California
- The link between commercial establishments and sex trafficking
- California laws on sex trafficking
- Legal obligations of commercial establishments
- Prevention and education initiatives
Have you or a loved one been a victim of sexual exploitation?
Sex Trafficking in California
Sex trafficking is a grave concern within the borders of California, affecting individuals across age groups, genders, and backgrounds. While obtaining accurate data on the exact number of victims is challenging due to the hidden nature of the crime, available statistics provide a glimpse into the prevalence and scope of the problem.
Wise Voter shares that California is ranked number 1 in the United States for the most sex trafficking cases. The DeliverFund also reports that California is among the states with the highest rate of human trafficking per capita. The National Human Trafficking Hotline received 5,257 signals by its national hotline in 2021.
The importance of addressing these violent crimes in California cannot be overstated. By addressing sex trafficking, we uphold the fundamental principle that every individual deserves to live a life free from exploitation and harm. Addressing the root cause of sex trafficking allows avenues of support and protection for communities and victims of sex trafficking.
The Link Between Commercial Establishments and Sex Trafficking
The link between commercial establishments and sex trafficking is complex and multifaceted. While not all commercial establishments are involved in sex trafficking, certain industries and businesses can become hubs or enablers of this illicit activity. Here are some key aspects of the link between commercial establishments and sex trafficking:
- Demand Generation – Commercial establishments, such as hotels, motels, escort services, massage parlors, and online platforms often cater to the demand for commercial sex acts. This demand creates a lucrative market that human traffickers exploit by supplying sex trafficking victims. In some cases, businesses may knowingly or unknowingly enable sex trafficking by facilitating or profiting from the exploitation of individuals within their establishments.
- Visibility and Accessibility – Certain types of commercial establishments, such as hotels, motels, truck stops, or street-based prostitution areas, provide locations where sex trafficking can occur more easily. These establishments may unintentionally create an environment conducive to exploitation due to factors like anonymity, transient populations, or limited oversight.
- Complicity and Corruption – In some cases, employees or hotel owners may be complicit in or directly involved in sex trafficking. This can range from individuals knowingly allowing or participating in the exploitation to turning a blind eye to suspicious activities within their premises.

California Laws on Sex Trafficking
California has implemented several laws and regulations to combat sex trafficking and provide support to victims. Here are some key California sex trafficking laws:
The California Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA)
The California Trafficking Victim Protection Act defines sex trafficking and labor trafficking and outlines penalties for perpetrators. It provides for the prosecution of traffickers, including those involved in the recruitment, harboring, transportation, or receipt of victims for commercial sexual exploitation or forced labor. The TVPA also includes provisions for the protection and assistance of victims, such as access to services, restitution, and the establishment of the Trafficking Victims Fund.
Proposition 35
Proposition 35 was passed to strengthen legal penalties for human trafficking offenses. It increased the penalties for sex trafficking crimes, including higher fines and longer prison sentences. Under the proposition, convicted offenders whose actions resulted in great bodily injury to the victim could be punished with additional terms of up to 10 years. Proposition 35 also expands the requirements for sex offender registration and mandates law enforcement agencies to undergo human trafficking training.
Safe Harbor Laws
California has enacted Safe Harbor laws to protect minor victims of sex trafficking. These laws recognize that minors involved in commercial sexual exploitation are victims, not criminals. Safe Harbor laws focus on the rehabilitation and provision of services to child sex trafficking victims, rather than punitive measures. The laws provide for the diversion of minors from the criminal justice system into specialized programs that address their unique needs and vulnerabilities.
Legal Obligations of Commercial Establishments
Commercial establishments in California have legal obligations when it comes to addressing and preventing sex trafficking. These obligations are in place to ensure that businesses take proactive measures to combat this crime and protect vulnerable individuals. Here are some key legal obligations of commercial establishments:
Compliance with Anti-Trafficking Laws
Commercial establishments are required to comply with state and federal laws related to sex trafficking, such as the California Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) and the Federal Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA).
Employee Training and Awareness
Commercial establishments are obligated to provide training and awareness programs for their employees to recognize and respond to potential instances of sex trafficking.
Assembly Bill No. 1788 states that hotels must provide at least 20 minutes of training to hotel employees on how to recognize human trafficking. The bill also states that civil penalties will be imposed against the establishment of a supervisory hotel employee who knew or acted with reckless disregard for the sex trafficking activity that occurred within the hotel and failed to inform law enforcement, the National Human Trafficking Hotline, or the appropriate organization.
Cooperation with Law Enforcement
Commercial establishments have a legal obligation to cooperate fully with law enforcement agencies during investigations into suspected instances of sex trafficking. This may involve providing access to premises, sharing information or surveillance footage, and supporting law enforcement efforts to apprehend perpetrators and assist victims.
Have you or a loved one been a victim of sexual exploitation?
Prevention and Education Initiatives
California has implemented various prevention and education initiatives to combat sex trafficking and raise awareness about the issue. These initiatives aim to prevent individuals from becoming victims, educate the public, and mobilize communities to take action. Here are some examples of prevention and education initiatives in California:
1. Public awareness campaigns
The state of California conducts public awareness campaigns to educate the public about the signs of sex trafficking, how to report suspicions, and the resources available for victims. During National Human Trafficking Prevention Month, the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) highlights the effort of lived-experience experts, survivor advocates, anti-trafficking entities, and more during January.
2. School-Based Prevention Programs
These programs may include age-appropriate curricula, workshops, and training sessions conducted by educators, law enforcement, and non-profit organizations specializing in anti-trafficking efforts. The Department of Education provides a free guide that provides educators and school administrators with details on awareness, preventative measures, and information on human trafficking in American schools.
3. Training for professionals
California provides training programs for professionals who may come into contact with potential victims of sex trafficking, such as hotel staff, healthcare providers, educators, law enforcement officers, and social service providers.
4. Collaboration with NGOs and Community Organizations
NGOs, community organizations, and nonprofit organizations play a crucial role in raising awareness, providing direct services to human trafficking survivors, such as mental health treatment, and advocating for policy changes.
Get the Help You Need Today!
California has implemented comprehensive laws and regulations to combat sex trafficking in commercial establishments. Recognizing the link between commercial establishments and these human trafficking crimes, the state has taken proactive measures to address the issue and protect potential human trafficking victims from exploitation.
Sex trafficking victims must remember that they have legal rights and protections under federal and state laws.
At the Women’s Rights Group, we understand the immense challenges that survivors of sex trafficking in California face. We are here to support you on your journey to seek justice and recover compensatory damages for the harm inflicted upon you. Our dedicated team provides resources and legal services for victims in need.
If you or someone you know is a survivor of sex trafficking in California, do not hesitate to reach out to us. You are not alone! Contact us at (844) 240-4967 for a free consultation. We are available 24/7!