Considered a form of modern slavery, sex trafficking is an abhorrent offense that exploits some of the most vulnerable individuals in our society. Vulnerable young females and girls are tricked into sex trafficking through false promises of a better life or deceptive shows of affection from intimate partners or romantic relationships.
Once victims of sex trafficking are trapped, they are coerced into performing sexual services for the profit of traffickers. Victims of sex trafficking may be forced to work in brothels, escort services, massage parlors, and strip clubs. They may also be coerced to prostitute themselves on the street or participate in pornography. In some cases, human trafficking victims may also be compelled to perform these sexual activities in hotels or other commercial establishments.
Victims of sex trafficking, like any other individual, have rights to their own bodies and their lives. If you or someone you know are a victim of trafficking, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your pain and suffering.
In this article, we will discuss:
- The effects of sex trafficking
- What can financial compensation do for a victim of sex trafficking?
- California Victim Compensation Program
- What kind of compensation can victims of sex trafficking recover?
The Devastating Consequences of Sex Trafficking
Victims of trafficking may suffer from severe forms of mental or emotional abuse resulting from the physical abuse, and psychological trauma they endure, such as guilt, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, drug dependency, and eating disorders.

Victims of abuse may also experience other risk factors, such as ostracism and become isolated from their friends, family, and other circles due to feelings of guilt or shame. Some victims of sex trafficking that return home or escape trafficking situations may even be ostracized by society due to the stigma they now face.
Victims of trafficking may suffer from severe forms of mental or emotional abuse resulting from the physical abuse, and psychological trauma they endure.
Some of the health issues seen in trafficking victims include sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, rectal trauma, urinary difficulties, and pregnancy. Infertility may also occur due to the contraction of STDs.
In an effort to control or manipulate, sex traffickers may keep victims of sex trafficking in poor living conditions causing them to become malnourished or contract untreatable diseases.
About 50% of human trafficking victims experience physical violence and may sustain brain injuries, lower back injuries, and more.
What Can Financial Compensation Do For a Victim of Sex Trafficking?
Compensation is a monetary award provided to individuals who have suffered financially as a result of the crime of exploitation — it covers costs such as medical treatment or lost wages. This money helps victims to cope with the financial losses that they experienced.
Victims of crime should not have to bear the costs associated with their trauma and recovery. Not only are they dealing with the mental and physical effects of a traumatic experience, but they often find themselves facing financial strain as well.
Financial compensation is intended to help them start recovering from the traumatic incident.
Can Sex Trafficking Victims Recover Financial Compensation?
Many victims of sex trafficking are not kidnapped or held against their will; instead, they may be tricked into this sexual exploitation through the promise of a better life or a well-paying job. As previously mentioned, sex traffickers may use the facilities of hotels or commercial establishments as a means to conduct their violent crimes.
If a business fails to take reasonable measures to prevent people from engaging in this form of trafficking activities on their property, they can be held responsible for any resulting harm.
Victims of sex trafficking may file a claim against businesses that knowingly allow sex trafficking activities to occur on their premises. Existing law states that hotels must provide their staff with at least 20 minutes of training on how to properly identify human trafficking occurring in the hotel sector and how to help sex trafficking victims.
According to AB 1788, hotels could be subject to civil penalties if a supervisory employee was aware of or should have been aware of, human trafficking activities taking place in the establishment and did not report it to the police, National Human Trafficking Hotline, or an appropriate victim service organization within 24 hours.
What Kind of Compensation Can Victims of Sex Trafficking Recover?
When a victim of sex trafficking decides to file a civil claim against a business or a third party, they may be eligible to recover various types of damages. The two main types of compensatory damages include:
Compensatory damages
These kinds of damages compensate a victim for the costs associated with their injury. This could include:
- medical bills
- mental health care
- dental care
- property damages
- lost wages and earning
- emotional distress
- physical injuries
- loss of future earnings and earning capacity
- pain and suffering.
Punitive damages
Punitive damages are a form of compensation intended to penalize the responsible party for their wrongful behavior. This type of award does not depend on the severity of any injury sustained by the victim. Instead, it is an additional punitive measure ordered by the court.
If you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, know that assistance and support are available. The first step is to contact the Women’s Rights Group. We can provide guidance on what your legal options are and what kind of compensation may be available to you.
A claim of this nature has the potential to be worth millions of dollars. While this will not undo the suffering you have gone through, it could help you get your life back on track while also holding the responsible party accountable for their horrific actions.
Free, Confidential Help Is Available
Victims now have a voice and an organization to lean on in the fight against sex trafficking. The Women’s Rights Group is a national organization committed to providing aid and resources for anyone who has been a victim of sex trafficking in commercial settings.
Thanks to our anti-trafficking services, many women have been able to recover the financial compensation necessary for them to rebuild their lives and create a brighter future.
At Women’s Rights Group, we can get you the medical care and legal services you need to help you through this difficult time.
Contact us at (844) 240-4967 for a free, confidential consultation or fill up our
contact form and find out how we can help you.
We will fight to get you the justice you deserve!