Sex crimes are some of the most heinous and damaging offenses that can be committed. They can have a lasting impact on the victim, both physically and mentally. Personal injury law deals with civil cases where individuals have been injured, and sex crimes can fall under this umbrella. In this blog, we will explore the different types of sex crimes and how they relate to personal injury law.
What is A Sex Crime?
A sex crime is any act that violates the rights and well-being of another person, especially when it involves sexual contact or a threat of such. It can include rape, assault, incest, molestation, solicitation of a minor, child pornography, sexual harassment, voyeurism, and more. In general, sex crimes are prosecuted under criminal law, and convictions can lead to severe consequences such as incarceration.

Victim of a sex crime?
Types of Sex Crimes
There are many types of sex crimes, and each has its own set of laws and punishments. Some examples include rape, sexual assault, child abuse and molestation, statutory rape, sexual exploitation of minors, and trafficking in persons. Let’s discuss each of these in more detail.
Sexual Assault
Sexual assault is a term used to describe any non-consensual sexual activity. This includes any form of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit and voluntary consent of the victim. Sexual assault can include rape, attempted rape, molestation, and any other unwanted sexual touching.
In terms of personal injury law, sexual assault is considered a civil tort. Victims of sexual assault can sue their attacker for damages, including medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. The burden of proof in a civil case is lower than in a criminal case, which means that victims may have a better chance of receiving compensation through the civil court system.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is any behavior that is sexual in nature and unwelcome. This can include unwanted sexual advances, comments, or physical contact. Sexual harassment can happen in the workplace, in schools, and in public places. It can be perpetrated by anyone, including a boss, co-worker, teacher, or even a stranger.
In personal injury law, victims of sexual harassment may be able to sue their harasser for damages. Sexual harassment can cause emotional distress, lost wages, and damage to a victim’s reputation. Victims may also be entitled to compensation for any medical bills or therapy expenses they incurred as a result of the harassment.
Child Sexual Abuse
Child sexual abuse is any sexual activity that involves a child. This can include molestation, rape, and sexual assault. Child sexual abuse can cause long-term emotional and psychological damage to the victim. It can also cause physical damage, such as sexually transmitted infections or pregnancy.
In personal injury law, victims of child sexual abuse may be entitled to compensation for their injuries. This can include medical bills, therapy expenses, and pain and suffering. Because child sexual abuse is a particularly heinous crime, victims may also be entitled to punitive damages.
Punitive damages are meant to punish the defendant for their actions and to deter others from engaging in similar behavior.
Revenge Porn
Revenge porn is the act of sharing explicit images or videos of a person without their consent. This can include images or videos that were taken with the victim’s consent but were shared without their permission. Revenge porn is often used as a way to shame or embarrass the victim.
In personal injury law, victims of revenge porn may be able to sue the person who shared their images for damages. Revenge porn can cause emotional distress, damage to a person’s reputation, and lost wages. Victims may also be entitled to compensation for any therapy expenses they incurred as a result of the revenge porn.
Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is the act of forcing or coercing a person into labor or sexual exploitation. Human trafficking is a global problem that affects millions of people each year. Victims of human trafficking may be subjected to physical and emotional abuse, as well as sexual assault and rape.
In personal injury law, victims of human trafficking may be entitled to compensation for their injuries. This can include medical bills, therapy expenses, and pain and suffering. Victims may also be entitled to compensation for lost wages and any other expenses they incurred as a result of the trafficking.
Criminal vs Personal Injury Approach To Handling Sex Crimes
It’s important to note that the criminal justice system and personal injury law are two separate systems. Victims of sex crimes may choose to pursue both criminal charges and a civil lawsuit against their attacker.
Criminal charges are meant to punish the defendant for their actions, like jail time or fines. Additionally, criminal cases often require a higher burden of proof than personal injury cases. Valuations for criminal cases involving sex offenses can range from several thousand of dollars up to millions of dollars.
Personal injury law, on the other hand, is focused more on compensating the victim for their losses. This can include medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Personal injury cases do not require the same level of proof as criminal cases, but they may still require a significant amount of evidence in order to be successful. Case settlements for personal injury claims related to sex crimes can also run up to millions of dollars.
Compensation for Victims of Sex Crimes
Sex crime victims may be granted compensation for their injuries, such as medical costs or lost wages. Moreover, if the perpetrator exhibited malicious behavior or negligence with regard to other people’s safety, they could also qualify for punitive damages. Punitive damages are intended to reprimand offenders and discourage the perpetration of similar acts in the future.
Not only can victims qualify for monetary damages, but also special non-economic damages. This could include remuneration for pain and suffering, emotional anguish, or even loss of joy in life. These types of compensation are intended to make up for the intangible losses a victim has endured due to their situation.
We Will Fight For You
The Women’s Rights Group understands the trauma and suffering that victims of sex crimes experience. Our team of award-winning and compassionate attorneys, doctors, and case specialists is dedicated to fighting for the rights of those who have been wronged. We believe that no one should ever have to suffer in silence — and we are here to help you seek justice.
Our phone lines are open for your call 24/7. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss your legal options. We’ll help you every step of the way to ensure that you receive the just and maximum compensation for everything you’ve been through.
Call us at (844) 240-4967. 100% confidential. We speak English, Spanish, and Filipino.